What’s a Staff Party without White Elephants?


So, now that all the chaos has died down, it’s time for our Staff Christmas Party. This was a fun and relaxing way to end the year as an office. We work hard around here, and it’s good to loosen up a bit and enjoy each other every once in a while! After a delicious lunch, the time came to exchange white elephant gifts.

Maybe some of these will give all of you some good ideas for your own parties that call for white elephants…

photo 1

Some delicious cream cheese-strawberry Santas to start the party off with a bang.

These are most of the presents we had to choose from. What’s your method for choosing which gift to open? I always struggle with whether to pick a nicely wrapped one or the one wrapped in a grocery bag.
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Delightful season of 9-5. On VHS, no less! Hope she’s got a VCR.

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 “Within 5 minutes you’ll be on one of 256 possible courses to save the galaxy.” Again, you’ll need a VCR for this one.

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Some gift-givers try to make theirs worthwhile by including candy and treats.

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Arguably, the best gift of the day. In a mostly female office, what are the odds of a man getting this?! Oh, but it made it so much more enjoyable. Don’t worry, the box was deceiving. There was a good gift inside.

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A perfect way to set the mood at holiday parties.

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She didn’t know she would be setting another place at the Christmas dinner table.

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Santa dish-washing gloves! So festive and practical.

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To think that someone actually wants to hang this on their wall…

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Again, with so many females in the office, what are the odds??

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We were told that these antlers once adorned a very nice, hygienic golden retriever.

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“I hate birds!”

photo 4

The most useful gift of the bunch, and brand new to boot.

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He seems to be a seasoned white elephant gift giver.

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And finally, a group of white elephants is never complete without a beautiful piece of holiday decor.

Warmest wishes to you and yours this holiday season! See you in 2013!

“Wrapping up” Christmas for Kids

Christmas is winding down at Prevent Child Abuse Utah, just as it is picking up everywhere else. Our Christmas for Kids Holiday Giving Program is complete! This year, PCAU (along with many wonderful sponsors) was able to provide wants and needs to over 500 children and their families. Thank you to all of you who made this possible! Have a wonderful holiday and Happy New Year!

Dear Sponsors and Volunteers,

Prevent Child Abuse Utah would like to thank our amazing sponsors for all they did this year for the many children in need.  With your time, money, and gifts we were able to bring holiday cheer to over 500 children who would have otherwise gone without this year.  Prevent Child Abuse Utah’s Christmas for Kids Holiday Giving Program could not exist without your contributions.  Your generosity is truly impressive and appreciated by us and all of the families who have benefited from your kindness and willingness to give this Christmas.

I am continually humbled by your selflessness.  Each year we ask for assistance and year after year we are able to provide gifts to all the children in need!

The impact of your support and effort is immeasurable to these children.  I wanted to highlight some stories from this year’s giving program.

One child, who suffers from a curved spine, cleft lip and pallet and is being raised by a single mother, was able to receive so many gifts of not only wants but also needs.  Another single mother, who is 15 years old and has been abandoned by her parents, asked for gifts for her new infant.  We were not only able to provide things for her child, but also for this young mother through your generosity.

Without you, none of this would be possible!  The smallest bit of generosity makes an immense difference to these families at this time of year.  Thank you for all of your donations and efforts. We sincerely appreciate all of you and are impressed by our wonderful sponsors every year! We wish you a happy holiday and a fulfilling 2013.


It’s looking a lot like CHRISTMAS around here!




The holidays get very busy and EXCITING in December. Each year our Christmas for Kids program sponsors hundreds of Utah children who would otherwise go without for the Holidays. This year, we and our sponsors have provided gifts for over 450 children. Take a look at what has been going on this week!

Many clothes, toys, and other items were donated to our “store” so that we can fulfill our children’s wishlists. Thank you to everyone who donated this year!
photo (1)

We put every child’s gifts into bags and pile them up in order to be wrapped. There are piles and piles everywhere!photo (2) These are some of our wonderful volunteer wrappers! They have been hard at work all day. We could not get it done without them. They are AWESOME! (Wrapping every item separately, because we all know opening the presents is the funnest part.)photo (3) Many of our children are sponsored by community members. This photo was taken after a big drop-off. Each bag is for a different child. A big thanks to those of you who donated time and/or money to shop for a child in need. It would be impossible for us to shop for them all on our own.photo (4) December is such a fun time of year for us. photo (5) photo (6)photo

Again, THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU to everyone who makes Christmas for Kids possible every year (case workers, sponsors, wrappers, donors, etc.). Every child should have something to open during the holidays.  

Keep us in mind for next year if you would like to get involved! We love all the help we can get. The more the merrier!

Contact our office with questions, 801-393-3366 or 1-800-CHILDREN.

ZRock 94.9 is teaming up with PCAU

ZRock is teaming up with PCAU this holiday season!

Last week, we posted about ways you can support the agency’s holiday giving programs. Z-Rock 94.9 is helping us in a big way, and YOU CAN TOO!

If you are unable to get to one of our offices to donate items for Christmas, ZRock is taking donations at their station (434 Bearcat Drive, Salt Lake City). OR, you can visit the station “on location” at various drop-off sites around the valley.

Listen to 94.9 for information on where to bring items you wish to donate!

A list of suggested items is provided on ZRock’s website, or read on…

Most needed items include:
“Axe”-type body sprays/washes, girly body sprays/perfumes
Hoodies in all sizes
Handheld Games
Board Games
Makeup/Nail Polish
Board books or books for toddlers to age 4
New or gently used children’s clothing and shoes
Diapers and Formula
Home décor or items for the home
Cleaning supplies
Hygiene items
Baby items including cribs, high chairs, swings
Games for young families
Family movies

Every little bit counts at this time of year! Any donations are greatly appreciated.


Please, call our office (801-393-3366) if you have any questions about how you can help year-round.